
Adam D.M. Svendsen


This article argues that during the early twenty-first century, generally we have witnessed greater intelligence co-operation in Europe. Indeed, we can even appropriately discuss the increased 'regionalisation of intelligence'. Effectively reflecting 'uneven and combined development', persistently these co-operative intelligence trends appear to be occurring haphazardly, non-uniformly and at several different rates at the different levels of relations in the various 'pockets' of European intelligence co-operation. This article concludes by arguing that overall there is the development of an ever-more complex web consisting of a plethora of various overlapping international intelligence liaison arrangements that collectively provide a form of regional intelligence coverage in Europe. How they overlap is important, accounting for the connections, and notably the 'disconnects', that publicly come to our attention.


Article Keywords

Information sharing, Intelligence co-operation, Liaison, Law Enforcement, Policing, CFSP, CDSP, EUROPOL, EUROJUST

Research Articles
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